After Peshawar High Court's short decision to not bar TLP from holding the procession from Haripur to Havelian, DC Abbotabad Tariq Salam Marwat has issued a notification (dated 14-10-2022) imposing 144-CrPC in the district on October 14th. This impose means the ban of unauthorized gatherings and processions in the area for 15 days. A day earlier, Peshawar high court rejected the petition of local administration asking TLP to bar from holding a procession in the district. Justice Wiqar Ahmad, in his decision, mentioned that the petition was based merely on apprehensions without any solid evidence.
A day after the decision, a meeting was held in the office of chief secretary KPK (Shahzad Khan Bangash) to review the law and order situation in the province, after which the notification of 144-CrPC was issued. DC Abbotabad hold a meeting with local scholars as well a couple of days ago.
After issuing notification of 144-CrPC, DC Abbotabad wrote TLP to call-off its procession on Sunday maintaining that the route is not permitted in the lights of orders of Peshawar High Court, 144-CrPC and clashes in past.