Hafiz Saad Hussain Rizvi led the Namaz e Janaza of Ghazi Zain Ali Rizvi Shaheed in Sheikupura where thousands of people attended the funeral. Ghazi Zain Ali Rizvi was brutally targeted by rival qadiyanis on Friday night. While addressing to the funeral gathering, TLP chief criticised those framing the incident as 'a result of the conflict between two groups/families'. He warned the responsible institutions and government that when the TLP is controlling the emotions of their workers after this incident, those should act responsibly as well and speak after impartial investigation into the matter, rather than standing on the side of qadiyanis.
Zain Ali was targeted by qadiyanis on his way to Mehfil e Milad on the night of May 6 (Friday) in his village Bahuman, Sheikhupiura. As per the FIR of the incident, the killers targeted the victim for chanting the religious slogans in a local mosque in last April.
'On April 11, Zain Ali chanted the slogans of 'Tajdar e Khatam e Nabuwat Zindabad' after Fajar prayer in Jamia Masjid Gulzar e Madina. He was slapped by the relative (Azhar Iqbal) of the accused Kazim and Ansr. Later, the accused Shahid Iqbal and Najam ul Hussain threatened Zain at his home to not chant the slogans again, otherwise he'd be killed,' the FIR read. Zain Ali was walking to a Mehfil e Milad at around 10PM with his friends, when the nine armed accused came out of their camp (Dera). Two of them shouted 'Lets make Zain Ali to face the music for chanting Tajdar e Khatam e Nabuwat' and one of the armed persons fired at Zain Ali which hit his gluteus and he fell down. He was later shifted to THQ Sheikhupura but unfortunately succumbed to the fatal injuries.
Remember that the current government is deemed very close to the qadiyanis due to various statements of its leaders in past. Leader of ruling party (PMLN) and former prime minister Nawaz Sharif termed non-Muslim qadiyanis as his siblings. Present interior minister Rana Sana Ullah was also seen standing on qadiyani's side hesitating to take them as non-Muslims.