On Saturday evening, micro-blogging platform was seen populating with tweets demanding prompt release of TLP chief, Hafiz Saad Hussain Rizvi. Protesting against 130+ days of illicit and vicious move of detaining of Hafiz Saad Hussain, these tweets were using hashtag of "#Release_TLPAmeerSHR". The hashtag reached milestone of 1 Million tweets around 4 AM in the morning and 2 Million around 2 PM on Sunday. The tweets were coming from countries around the globe and kept making the trend stronger. An approximate graph of number of tweets since August 21 8:00 PM to August 23 6:00 AM is shown in the plot.
According to analysing platforms, one of the tweets with highest impressions is mocking minister of information and broadcasting fawad chaudhray who used to say TLP trends are supported from india. And the same codswallop was narrated by prime minister in his address to nation during TLP's last April sit-in. Recently, the claims are repudiated by ministry of information and broadcasting report.
Read more: Govt. claims of TLP being anti-state repudiated by its own MoIB report